Welcome back to our first newsletter of term 3. It has been wonderful to see our students and families returning to school after the three week break happy, refreshed and it has been amazing to listen to the many adventures that students embarked on both on and off Eylandt!
As our existing students and staff returned to school last week, we have also welcomed a number of staff, students and families to our AAS community. Our new staff members include Mr Aftab, Mr Tom, Mr James, Ms Sharna. We welcome our new students and are very excited to have our second Preschool group commence this term, which takes place during the afternoons. On behalf of all of us at Alyangula Area School I would like to warmly welcome all of these people to our school, and are so proud of how well they have adapted to schooling on Groote.
Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “all good things must come to an end...” and it with a heavy heart that we farewell two very valuable members of AAS. Peter Elliston and his family have relocated to Mackay, and as such he has had to resign from his position as School Council Chairperson. I would like to thank Pete for the support and leadership that Pete has provided the school. His understanding of the context of the school, the school's contemporary needs and his advice and partnership with our 2022 Principals has ensured that the school focus and the interests of our students has been maintained.
Another staff member who we are very sad to say goodbye to is Jodie Huggart. Jodie has worked tirelessly for years to ensure our school gardens are meticulously maintained to such a high standard. I might be biased, but here at AAS, we believe that thanks to Jodie’s dedication and green thumb we have arguably the best school gardens in Australia! Jodie is off Eylandt at the moment, but upon her return we will invite her to school to thank her and present her with something special to celebrate her dedication and time.
This term we started this term with a very successful Remote School Curriculum Day, where we delved into developing and refining our whole school approach to positive behaviour. As a part of that work, we will be explicitly focusing on one of our school values per fortnight. This will enable us to focus on what each school value looks like in depth across multiple facets of schooling – in the classroom, during transitions, in the yard, in the toilet, whilst we are eating etc. The focus for this week and next week is Respect.
Next week, students will be bringing home a Local Excursions Consent Form for parents to sign and return should they wish to grant permission for their child to attend local excursions that are within walking distance throughout the Township. Please note, parents will still always be informed if their child’s class will be going off-site. The Local Excursion Form opens up opportunities to take advantage of our surrounds, to extend learning beyond the school grounds and to continue to connect and make partnerships with local agencies.
A reminder that there is now the function on our website for families to inform the office of student absence. If you child is away for any reason, we encourage you to either ring the office or use this function to ensure the absence is notified.
This weekend is our very last long weekend for the school year. I hope that everyone has an enjoyable three days off before returning for a very busy week three!
As our Chairperson has relocated, we have a vacancy for a person who is interested in joining the school council. This person will act as the spokesman for the Council, in accordance with the Constitution. Know the Council's Constitution, policies, and legal responsibilities.
School Representative Bodies support schools and their communities to build meaningful partnerships and encourage strong community engagement. A strong School Representative Body ensures decisions are made in the best interests of all students. Councils have a responsibility to determine the educational needs, expectations and priorities of the school community and work closely with the principal, teachers, staff, parents, and students in the development action plans. School Council is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation and review of the plan and keeping the community informed.
Alyangula Area School Council Needs YOU!
The Alyangula Area School currently has Parent Member positions vacant.
The School Council meet at least 8 times per year (sometimes more when needed).
Members can expect to:
Develop the broad strategic direction and vision through the school’s strategic planning process
Provide input into the development and implementation of policies
Lead community conversation about key challenges in education
Ensure the school is responsive to local community needs
Provide strategic oversight, approve distribution and monitor annual budget performance
Assess and advise on the physical needs of the school
Oversee work on buildings and grounds
Approve community use of school facilities outside of school hours
Identify fundraising priorities, activities and spend funds accordingly
Determine school fees and seek voluntary contributions from parents
Employ School Rep. Body staff in accordance with relevant awards and the Fair Work Act 2009(Cth)
Each member must hold a current Working with Children Clearance (Ochre Card) or agree to apply for one.
The next school meeting is the Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in the Multipurpose Room
If you are interested, please complete the Nomination Form attached and return to the office (paper copies are also available from the office).
All parents are encouraged to attend and to get involved - even if it is just an observer or wanting to get involved in a limited capacity that fits around work or childcare arrangements.
There have been a number of cases of COVID on Groote Eylandt over the last few weeks. Please follow the NT Health guidelines to keep your family well and safe. Remember to continue to check out the site for up-to-date information. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home to recover.
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Alyangula Area School's canteen is managed by Fairway 19, they are committed to providing fresh, healthy foods at the canteen and are constantly assessing the quality and variety of food that we can provide. The menu may vary during the year to reflect these changes. Online orders can be placed at QuickCliq, orders close at 8am for that day.
Cash & EFTPOS sales over the counter are available - pre-packaged snack items
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Alyangula Community Library
Alyangula Community Library hours have changed!
The library hours are now every Saturday from 9am to 1pm. The library has lots of books for ALL ages, puzzles, games and STEM club from 10am.
Please call in and meet the amazing library staff!
Welcome to Term 3! There are so many exciting things to share with you and your school community this issue.
We are giving away FREE BOOKS to help celebrate and spread the love of reading in your school. Let parents know they can get up to 3 FREE BOOKS this Issue. Use these handy resources to promote this Issue and the amazing free books offer to parents so they can grow their home libraries.
Students will need a white shirt. More details to follow...
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Fantastic Fashion Fun
August the 6th is coming up soon and, on that day, it is Picnic Day. On Picnic Day there will be many fun activities for everyone. There will be three awesome activities run by our magnificent CWA including a baking competition, a craft competition, and my personal favourite… A fashion competition!
You could win $25, $50 or even a big fat $100!!!! There are two categories. Under 14 and Over 14. To win, you will need to go to the op shop and buy something, any type of clothing. Then at home add your own awesome style to the purchased item, then show it off on the runway at Picnic Day. This is a fun thing to do when you are bored and you might win some cash!!!! So if this sounds like something you would like to do, then make sure to head down to the CWA and pick out an item to style into your own. The shop is open on Saturday from 10 am-12 pm.